New Player Information

1. Captains
Captains are your most important contacts. If in doubt, contact your captain.
2. Selection
Selection will take place near the start of the week. Your captain will contact you by Thursday evening at the latest. If you don’t hear anything by Thursday evening, please contact your captain from the previous week. Most players, most weeks, will be selected to play on a Saturday.
3. Website
Double check any variation between the fixtures information on the website and information received from your captain/on Teamo. ASSUME NOTHING!
4. Post-Thursday Changes
If your arrangements (team, meet time etc) change, your captain will contact you. If you get a text, voicemail or email from your captain, return this as soon as possible.
5. Match Fees
Match fees are published on the website and collected via Teamo. Full details can be found on the membership page.
6. Annual Subs
For the 2024/25 season, the annual sub cost is £200 for adult members. Full details can also be found on the fees page.
7. Match Teas
You are entitled to a match tea as part of your match fee. At Holcombe, these are served at the kitchen hatch. At away venues, you can ask your captain about match teas. You are expected to socialise with your teammates and the opposition after your game. It’s good for the team to bond, and good for the sport to interact with opposition players in a friendly environment.
If you have any special dietary requirements, please let the Holcombe kitchen staff know in advance via your captain. We try to cater for all needs at Holcombe. Please don’t forget to return your plate to the kitchen.
8. Away Matches
Your captain will inform you of meet times. Let your captain know if you require a lift to an away match. If you are a driver and willing to drive, please make this known. You will be expected to get yourself to the meeting place, which is usually the club.
9. Home Matches
Your captain will inform you of the meet time; this is the time you should meet at Holcombe Park. The start time is not the meet time.
10. Lateness
Lateness may well lead to you being “volunteered” to write a match report, wash up, tidy the changing rooms or any other fine the captain sees fit to administer. Repeated lateness will not lead to a good relationship with the captain, or your teammates.
11. Conduct
All Holcombe players are expected to conduct themselves impeccably towards the opposition, umpires, teammates and all other members of the hockey family whilst wearing Holcombe colour; ill-discipline will not be tolerated.
12. Kit
All our kit is available through our online shop. Please do not deface the kit.
13. Shirt Numbers
If you require a club number, please speak to Mark Newman or Lindsay Hobbs.
14. Face Masks
Holcombe Hockey Club has never committed to providing facemasks for any of our junior or senior teams. Some captains/managers do have a number of facemasks for use by their team. The use of a facemask is a personal choice, and provision of safety equipment i.e. mouthguard, shinpads, facemask is down to the individual player.