Gift Aid

Holcombeians Sports Club is now registered for Gift Aid contributions either as a one off donation or regular donations.
As you may know, Holcombeians Sports Club has had to borrow a large sum of money for Pitch 1 & 2 replacements and we now enjoy two of the best playing surfaces in the country. There are two Gift aid forms available (single contribution or multiple ongoing contributions) so that you can arrange with your bank by authorising a Standing order or Direct Debit. You cannot do this by Payroll Giving.
All Gift Aid donations from you will enable Holcombeians Sports Club to claim 25p on every £1 you donate provided that you pay Income Tax at least equal to your donation in any one tax year. e.g. £10 donated will get the club an extra £2.50 in gift aid.
Please forward any completed forms to Emma Simpson-Duke or contact Emma and the appropriate form and appropriate bank details of Holcombeians Sports Club will be forwarded to you.
If you pay tax at the higher or additional rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation. Do this either through your Self Assessment tax return or by asking HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to amend your tax code.
Example: You donate £100 to Holcombeians Sports Club – the Club can then claim Gift Aid to make your donation £125. You pay 40% tax so you can personally claim back £25.00 (£125 x 20%). If you don’t have to send a tax return, contact HMRC and ask for a P810 form. You’ll need to submit it by 31 January after the end of the previous tax year.