The HTA is committed to hosting regular Talent Identification sessions at regular phased intervals throughout the Talent Academy Cycle.
The nomination process is a three-step automated process that will enable nominated players to access open assessment events within the Talent Academy catchment area that they reside in. This process aligns with the Talent Academy Player Identification & Selection Guidance which you can find within the supporting documents section on this page.
Step 1: Talent Academy Open Assessment Events
During an annual cycle, each Talent Academy will add details of upcoming open assessment events via a separate form which populates a map. This map outlining Talent Academy identification events can be found within the external links section of this page.
Step 2: Coach Nomination
As with previous nomination processes, players need to be nominated by a coach/teacher from a school, club and or county hockey environment to attend an open assessment event.
Please note, Talent Academies are intended for high-potential players who will be entering school years 10, 11, 12 and 13 at the start of the following annual cycle. Nominations are submitted with the understanding a player is being put forward, where successful, to join the Talent Academy squad for the following annual cycle (only in exceptional circumstances or where space allows will players identified access provision in the current annual cycle).
We encourage coaches and teachers to read the accompanying Coach guidance which can be found within the supporting documents on this page. This guidance is to help coaches understand the type of player that could be nominated.
Nomination Guidance for Coaches
As per the guidance, please note the deadline each year for coaches to nominate players for an open assessment event will be the 1st May. Talent Academies must deliver all planned open assessment events by the end of the summer half-term window or no later than the 10th June.
Stage 3: Identifying a Talent Academy Open Assessment Event
Following a player being nominated, they will be automatically informed of their nomination and will receive an email inviting them to select an open assessment event. You can use the following link to select the most appropriate session to attend:
Holcombe Talent Academy Nomination Link
Please note that if no sessions are currently showing for Holcombe Talent Academy, it is likely that no sessions are scheduled for the immediate phase of the TA Cycle. You should continue to monitor the link for Talent ID events and email [email protected] if you encounter any issues.
Once an open assessment event has been selected, this information will be provided to each Talent Academy to confirm which people have signed up to an open assessment event. From here, Talent Academies will contact players who shall be attending regarding specific details for each open assessment event.
At each step of the way coaches and players receive confirmation regarding the information they have submitted.
If for geographical, logistical or personal circumstances a nominated player would like to attend an open assessment event in a different catchment area the player or parent are encouraged to contact [email protected] to discuss.